Our Blog
Blog #2
So, today my sister convinced me to go on an adventure. We had a nice breakfast and went out. The sky was so clear and the view was absolutely stunning. As we walked, we suddenly saw a bunch of people with alpacas that was weird because alpacas don’t live in Tatra Mountains. But we didn’t…
My favourite shows/movies
These are some of my favourite shows/movies. The office is a show that I found out about back in 2019. I didn’t really like its chaotic camera movement at first, but soon enough I really started to enjoy it. Superstore is a great show that I started watching back when it still was availible on…
Lorem ipsum
So what does it actuall mean? The translation of “Lorem ipsum” is “pain itself“. “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.” – is a commonly used dummy text for testing layouts or graphics. – Budz Jan